A Rapid fire round w Hussein Bahgat
Check out a fun rapid-fire interview with Hussain Bahgat!
This week we bring to you Mr. Hussein Shafik Bhagat – Global Head Special Engagements – CISO – TPSR, Fintech, Ventures & Partnership at Standard Chartered Bank, UAE.
Mr. Hussein is a Cyber Security leader with 25 years experience in IT Operations Management, Banking Technology, and Information and Cyber security. In his current role at Standard Chartered Bank, he helps manage the security posture of 27 countries in the Africa & Middle East region.
He is globally accountable for the special engagements including Accelerated Third Party Risk Assessments, SC Ventures and partnerships. The role has impact on the strategic direction of SC to onboard critical services faster and in an agile way that satisfies both the STM and the regulatory requirement of assurance on 3rd parties.
Be sure to check out the playlists to see other exciting interviews!
Full Interviews: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIQL61CUhc2M-8rzoFq8IhLFIPjYm720f
Rapid fire: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIQL61CUhc2OLLV59ohmeYFfP7UiSHqBa
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